Adults Only

Adults Only

Hey everyone, welcome back to another blog! Glad you could join us today, and by the title of the blog, you could tell that this was for adults only. We were kidding. All we wanted was for you to click on this blog and read it. Haha, you fell right into our trap. This is for all audiences just to let you know.

Today we are discussing one of the most exciting times of the year. When the kids go back to school and, we can probably guess that because your kids have been at home all summer, chances are, your house is a mess between towels laying on the floor, snack wrappers that haven’t been thrown away, and much much more. Well, CLEANbee has a solution. Our back-to-school cleanings. After a long summer of running around, you need a break, and why not relax a little? Instead of you cleaning up the mess, sit down, and we’ll take care of it.

Who doesn’t want to start the adults’ real vacation with a clean, well-kept house? All you have to do is schedule a deep clean with us, and that’s all you have to do. It’s so easy, and we really don’t need to explain it to you. But we will anyway so we can clear up any confusion you may have. All you have to do is go to our contact us page here and fill out the form, ensuring that you would like a deep clean. Then, submit it, and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Too easy!

We hope you’re as excited as we are for these back-to-school cleanings. Who doesn’t want a break? We hope we answered any questions you may have had or maybe even learned a few things. If you ever need anything, call us at (724) 602-2218 for more information. Also, make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook, so you don’t miss announcements, events, and most importantly, our 5th anniversary!

Have a great day, and we hope to see you soon!

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