April Showers Bring May Flowers

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Ah, the good ol’ saying “April Showers Bring May Flowers.” We hate to burst your bubble, but with April Showers come May grass and weeds and all the other fun things in your backyard. Thanks, April showers! (sarcasm added) This is when you prepare all your chemicals, mower, and things of that nature. We, however, are going to do you a favor and save you the work by offering our new landscaping division! You heard right, CLEANbee now has a landscaping division, where our quality continues to pour out into our work. Here’s a quick rundown of a few of our landscaping services.

Mowing: Of course, mowing! We make sure to carefully trim your lawn so it can always look its finest! We believe in quality in everything that we do, which includes mowing too! When you walk out onto your newly manicured lawn, you can think of us!

Weed Whacking: We’d hope everyone knows that weeds are big problems because they can kill flowers and cause damage among other plants. We’ll not only get rid of the pesky weeds that spring up in the yard, but we’ll also get rid of uneven landscaping lines along with your house!

Mulching: Good mulching compliments a house very well, so no matter how bad you think your house may look, think again. Our landscapers make sure to cover every area with whatever mulch you want. Your wish is our command.

This is a shortlist, yes, but there is much more than this. Make sure to check out our website at cleanbeepa.com or call us at (724) 602-2218 for more information.

We not only clean the world, but we keep it looking good too. We can’t wait to serve you, and we hope to see you soon!

CLEANbee Property Services, We Clean The World!

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