BEE Orange

BEE Orange

If we asked you what comes to your mind when we say orange, how would you answer? You would probably say, orange of course! If we dig a little deeper, oranges are citrus among limes and lemons, most commonly known for their sweet taste and smell. Since we all love good smells, CLEANbee is here to tell you about how you can clean with citrus fruits! Enjoy!

1. All Natural Spray: To create a fresh-smelling all-natural spray, all you need is ½ cup of water and a ¼ cup of vinegar. After mixing thoroughly, cut up one of your favorite citrus fruits! (Limes, Lemons, Oranges, Grapefruits). Peel the skin off the fruit, and put it in the jar of water and vinegar, letting it sit for one hour. After that, pour into a spray bottle, and you’re done! Easy, right? Use this as an air freshener to keep your house smelling sweet.

2. Carpet Solution: Carpet can get musty and create a smell that will make you say no, no, no! So we’ll give you a solution that’ll make you say yes, yes, yes! (with added exclamation points). Mix 2 cups of baking soda, 1 cup of borax, and 3 teaspoons of citrus zest in a bowl. Put into a glass jar, and let it sit until there is almost no liquid left. And finally, you’re done! Sprinkle onto any carpet stains or sprinkle on to get a fresh scent!

3. When we sit down on the couch or our favorite chair, it may smell from lack of attention, because just like dirty floors, dirty furniture is a problem as well. Here is a great furniture cleaner for that! Mix 1 cup lemon juice, 2 cups olive oil, and 1/2 cup of chopped citrus peel. Dampen the end of a rag, and rub the mixture onto furniture for a good clean and a great smell!

Being dirty is no joke. A clean house can say a lot about your personality as well! So, try out these great mixtures in your house today! For more fun tips, go to our Busy Bee Blogs here.

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