Bug Spray Repellent
Hey everyone. Thanks for checking in with us again; we appreciate it. We have an important blog for you here today, so listen. . . . well, read carefully. It just might end your nightmare with bugs. We all know about bugs, whether it’s the ants on the back porch again or the worst nightmare ever. When all you see is spider legs poking out of the drain hole. We can understand your fear. We hate bugs too, but we’re thankful for them at the same time because, without them, we could never do a blog about bug repellent!!!
Imagine sitting around a fire. A warm, mesmerizing fire that you can’t get away from. Your family happily laughs and enjoys the time they are having with each other. BZZT! Then, there’s the sound of Mosquitoes and bugs crawling all over your feet and chair. For that, you’re going to need this easy DIY natural bug repellent.
1. Pour ¼ cup of witch hazel into a bottle, preferably a spray bottle. But do whatever you want.
2. Put 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil or lemon essential oil for a fresh smell and added potency.
3. Put the cap on and shake the bottle making sure that everything is blended.
4. You’re done! All you have to do is spray the bottle as if you were putting sunscreen on. This is pretty simple and only takes about 5 minutes. An easy recipe if you’re at camp, but forget the bug spray.
This works great for outdoor activities, not only camping, and it smells good too, so why wouldn’t you want to put it on?
You know, keeping a clean house also removes bugs, so I guess you might have to schedule a cleaning with us, haha. But seriously, get one, not like they’re running out of anything; we want to be able to meet you and add another member to the CLEANbee family. Anyways, enjoy your day, schedule a quote, and we hope to see you soon!
CLEANbee Property Services, We Clean The World!