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Celebrating Easter!

Celebrating Easter!

Easter is a very bright and cheery holiday, but where did it come from?

Celebrating Easter!

For as long as anyone can remember, there has always been an Easter. Easter is a very bright and cheery holiday, from Easter egg hunts to gathering with family, but where did it come from? We’re glad you asked because we are here to explain it to you. We also figured, well, Easters almost here, so what the heck? I hope you enjoy it!

Ostern, Eastre, East, all of it’s the same; Easter. When did it start? Well, Easter started over a couple of thousand years ago in the Christian culture when Jesus was to be crucified on Good Friday on a cross. He was tormented, such as being whipped, spit on, mocked, the whole nine yards.

Anyways, he was put on the cross, and he died six hours later. He was taken down from the cross after death and put in a tomb sealed by a heavy stone, estimated to weigh about 2800 pounds. Over a ton of rock!

Well, exactly three days later, on Easter Sunday, two women were going toward the tomb when they were stopped by the awe of what they saw. The stone was rolled away, and the tomb was empty! An angel descended and said to them that Jesus, Son of Man, had risen and now lives. They ran away in excitement to tell the good news. Fast forward, we are still celebrating Easter! That’s crazy! Easter is for everyone, not just for Christians. There are tons of different ways to celebrate.

Well, we hoped you enjoyed this blog and enjoyed learning some history about Easter. So, Happy Easter from CLEANbee, and we hope you enjoy the holidays!

If you ever need anything, make sure to give us a call. We would love to hear from you! See you soon!

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