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The 12 Days of Christmas

The 12 Days of Christmas

Ever wonder about the 12 days of Christmas? I mean, who came up with the song in the first place? Why are there 12 days? What is the significance of the gifts? Upon our research, there are multiple thought processes on these gifts, and what they may entail, and even the prices of them in 2018! With no further ado, let’s dive right in, shall we?

The gifts, what are they?

The meaning?

Throughout time people thought the song had meaning with the Christian culture, with a comprehensive list as to what each of the gifts stands for. That theory tends to be debunked, as the song doesn’t have anything to do with the “key pillars” of the Christian faith. The song sprung to the top ten list in the Hartford Courant as the top ten most annoying Christmas songs, at number 2. We here at CLEANbee would have to agree.

In the 2018 PNC financial services groups, Christmas Price Index tells us that the total of all of the gifts in the song amounts to $39,094.93, similar to PNC’s interest rates on personal loans. We can think of a few things that we would buy for $39,094.93. Maybe some new vacuums or a new vehicle?

While we can all speculate on spending such a large amount of money, we would like to offer some savings for you on our 12 days of Christmas.

While traditionally, the 12 Days of Christmas start on Christmas Day and last until the evening of the 5th January – also known as Twelfth Night. The 12 Days have been celebrated in Europe since before the middle ages and were a time of celebration; we will have a discount structure from December 12th-23rd, That’s 12 days, right?

With no further a due, let the 12 days of Christmas begin:

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