Contact UsContact Us TodayPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Thanks for taking the time to contact CLEANbee Property Services LLC, where we do what we say we're going to do. CLEANbee is a locally owned, a Veteran-owned Property Services Company out of Butler PA. If you're looking for Commercial or Residential Cleaning, Construction Needs, Carpet Cleaning, Floor waxing for all types of floor surfaces, Stripping and Waxing of Commercial Vinyl Tile then look no further. CLEANbee will deliver amazing results every single time! Please contact us below as we look forward to serving you!First & Last Name: *FirstLastBest Contact Number: *Best Time To Call? *MorningAfternoonNightAny TimePlease let us know when would be the best time to contact you.Best Email: *EmailConfirm EmailServices You Are Interested In?: *Auto DisinfectCommercial CleaningCompany EmploymentBravo Team ContractingCOVID FoggingCOVID Killing Air PurifierDumpster RentalsFloor & Carpet ServicesFinancing ServicesFirst Time Customer - Save 20%Giveaway!Handyman ServicesLawn Care / LandscapingNo Contact Quote (Load Photo / Video Below)Residential CleaningUnsure - Please Comment BelowSelect what services above you're looking to have done.Image / Video Uploader: Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files. Please upload your Photo or Video here of the work you'd like to be accomplished. *This is for your (NO CONTACT) quote today.20% First Responder / Military Discount: *Does Not ApplyFirst ResponderActive MilitaryVeteranProof Required for Savings: Save an additional 20% off for being a First Responder / Active Military or Veteran Status.How did you hear about CLEANbee? *BINGBUSY BEE BLOGFACEBOOKFRIENDGOOGLEINSTAGRAMREPEAT CUSTOMERTIKTOKYAHOOPlease select one from the drop-down menu.Comments?Custom Captcha: * = GDPR Agreement *I consent to having CLEANbee store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry.WebsiteSubmit