COVD-19 Resources
-What is the Coronavirus, how long has it been around based upon our understanding, and why this particular strain is putting folks at risk.
From what we know, based upon our daily research of the virus. Forms of the Coronavirus have been around since the 1960s based on CDCs reporting. The current one affecting us, first showed up in late 2019, hence the name COVID-19.
COVID-19 is the strain of the virus that is putting people at risk at this current time. A new analysis found that the virus can remain viable in the air for up to 3 hours, on copper for up to 4 hours, on cardboard up to 24 hours, and on plastic and stainless steel up to 72 hours. This study initially published in the preprint database medRxiv on March 11, and now a revised version was published March 17 in The New England Journal of Medicine.
-Who is most affected?:
Right now, as we know it based upon information from CDC, Anyone over the age of 65, pregnant women, asthmatic individuals, individuals with HIV.
-How do we protect ourselves and our community?:
I received some information from a friend the other day that I found interesting about what China has seen of the Coronavirus so far. She said that it starts in the mouth, and can commonly live there for 3-4 days, before making its way into the lungs. It develops an uncommonly thick mucus, that then starts to block the airways. They recommended drinking warm liquids every 20 minutes during the timeframe that we are in here, as well as gargling with warm salt water or antiseptic daily.
*Wash hands often
*Wash your clothes and shower as soon as you come home. Some folks are washing up and changing in the garage, placing their clothes in a garbage bag, and sealing the garbage bag, and washing them in hot water right away. We also know that direct sunlight will kill the virus. So if we’re lucky enough to get a sunny day here in the Butler area, that’s another option for you.
-As a Community:
*First, we can protect ourselves individually by following local government recommendations.
*Secondly, by practicing social distancing. We know that the virus is transferable through salvia (if you are talking with someone standing close and you happen to transfer saliva, you are now a carrier) but you don’t know it for up to 14 days, how many people are you going to infect?
*Thirdly, I’ve observed a lot of people here who are not taking the virus seriously here in Butler. I want to urge our listening audience today, take it seriously! The more seriously we take things as a community, the sooner we can get back to work, making money to pay bills and our regular lives.
*Lastly, do not spread rumors. There was plenty of text and emails going around about martial law and government takeovers that were supposed to be in place by Sunday night (this past Sunday). If you do not know something to be factually accurate, don’t post it. Just because you may be more prepared than most, some people are ill-prepared for reasons beyond their control. Please be sensitive and look for ways to help instead of creating havoc for our local medical community, and first responders.
Community Resources:
-If you hear something that you are unsure of, you can call Butler county’s public inquiry line at (724) 431-0983. It will be open Monday – Friday 1-5
-Use 911 for emergencies only
-If you have a friend, neighbor or family member, or you need help with food, utilities, and various things, please call 211
-If you prefer to receive your info online, please check out
Ways to help the Community:
*If you have access to N95 masks, hand sanitizer, etc.., you could donate to local health care providers; there is an extreme shortage right now.
*Foodbanks desperately need help right now. Because most of the volunteers tend to be retired, they are at higher risk, so the majority locally have had to step down. The lighthouse is one organization that I read a couple of days ago that can use the help locally. If you can’t physically volunteer, money or food donations are always helpful.
*You can also Google such organizations such as alone, or crisis text line, where you can sign up to help remotely, even while in quarantine.
Please join us in our quest to help our community overcome tough circumstances in a time of crisis.
Your CLEANbee Family
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