Hello everybody! Welcome back to another wonderful blog that we’ve created for you. This blog is about the Delta Variant, which we should all know about. For anyone who doesn’t know about it, the Delta Variant is a variant of COVID. It’s as easy as that. Now that we all understand it, there is an easy solution for stopping it and keeping you and your family safe.

CLEANbee’s Care+Plan. This plan is created for this variant and allows you to protect your home from any sicknesses and germs from entering your home. Here’s the plan.

When COVID was first released, we released something too. Our fogging. If you’ve kept up with our blogs from last year, then you probably know about them, but since there might be new readers, we’ll explain it to you real quick.

Basically, a COVID/DELTA fogging is a type of device that you spray. This device looks almost like a large spray bottle. They spray a mist of positive electrons that attach themselves to negative electrons on the surfaces of your home. Not to get all sciencey on you, but this is an effective way of getting rid of germs in your house. Spraying the mist over any surface automatically kills up to 99.9% of germs. This is a very effective way of getting rid of illnesses in your house, and it’s also very safe for animals and children.

This is a very quick fogging, so you can get back to your plans as soon as possible. This is the best way to protect yourself from the Delta Variant. It doesn’t even have to be the variant, and it can be any sickness that this gets rid of. Make sure to keep that in mind.

If you’re interested, go to our contact us page here and fill out the form and select COVID fogging under services. Our team will then reach out to you, and we can get this thing wrapped up so quickly for you.

Thanks for joining us today, and make sure to reach out to us if you have any questions. See you soon!

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