Discount Time!

Discount Time!

Hey everyone! Glad to see you again!! We’re back at you with another exciting blog. We think you’ll find this one interesting. If we were to ask anyone if they like discounts, they would probably say yes with a capital Y. They like saving money, and they like the thought of great deals! Get ready, have a seat if you must because today’s topic is discount time! CLEANbee’s discount time is a time where you are eligible for a 5% discount on your deep clean. This is for all our new customers! Nothing against our recurring ones.

Are you excited yet? Good. Since summer is just around the corner, you get to celebrate by saving money on a professional deep clean! We’re happy, you’re happy, everyone’s happy! You get joy in saving money, and we get joy seeing you save money. It’s a win-win-win-win-win situation here. Here is a step-by-step on how to get your 5% discount now!

1. Go to our site at if you’re not already on it. Go to our contact us page and scroll down to the form below.

2. When you get to the part that asks what services you’re interested in, select either a commercial cleaning or a residential cleaning.

3. After completing the form, click that submit button! Now you’re done. All you have to do now is wait for your quote and your estimate. Luckily for you, we already calculate your discount into the final price, so you don’t have to worry about being cheated.

We’re good like that! We care about our customers, and we want what’s best for you. We’re almost like parents, just cooler. Anyways, this blog is getting a little long, and I hope you can remember what we told you to do! See you soon!

CLEANbee Property Services, We Clean The World!

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