EBOX Unveiling

EBOX Unveiling

Glad you’re reading! We have an exciting topic for you today from CLEANbee, your friendly cleaning service on a mission. (Mission Impossible music begins) Anyways, we’re delighted you’re reading this blog because we are unveiling a top-secret document. Not really a document, but more so a box. Here’s the scoop!

The EBOX 2021 event is where . . . . actually, might as well tell you what the EBOX is first, right? The EBOX is short for the executive box. We wanted an all-new interactive way to connect with customers to make them feel even more appreciated. That is why we are introducing this EBOX.

We’re so excited, and we keep mistyping words! The EBOX will be unveiled not only on our 5th anniversary but also in our CLEANbee theater! The EBOX unveiling will be the first video introduced from our CLEANbee Theater, besides our introduction video. Again, we’re so excited about our 5th anniversary. We have so much planned for you guys, and we don’t want you to miss it.

Oh yeah, back to the EBOX! The EBOX will contain certain items that we have chosen. We haven’t decided yet on what we want to use, but we will.

The EBOX is not only for our executive customers who spend big money with us; it is for all our customers! Even the ones that only do a few services per year. If we only gave the EBOX to executive customers, we could never forgive ourselves.

Well, this is just a quick rundown of what this event will hold. Unfortunately, there will be no Apple-style unveiling, but we’ll get the job done. Make sure to like our Instagram and Facebook for further details. Please, make sure to follow us closely, because you don’t want to miss a thing. For now, CLEANbee is signing off but schedule a cleaning. They’re not running out, but we still need you to order some. Your choice, your mission if you choose to accept it. . . . . Anyways, see you soon!

CLEANbee Property Services, We Clean The World!

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