Goal Setting For The New Year

Goal Setting For The New Year

I know that you’re probably already thinking about goals for the new year. You may be thinking I want to read 10 books this year or maybe I want to lose weight. This is all possible if you plan accordingly. You also have to motivate to do it; you can’t quit when it gets hard. CLEANbee likes to create new goals, and we’ll give you some pointers on what to do.

First and foremost, you need to sit down and write out a list of what you would like to accomplish this year. It could be 5 things, and it could be 500 things. It doesn’t matter.

Secondly, pick 3 things that are the most attainable. Starting with the easy will create an undying motivation for the hard goals. Don’t be discouraged if it gets hard. It’s all part of the process.

Lastly, honestly, start doing it—Mark your days on a calendar. Remember, if your goals don’t scare you, then they are too small. Goals are supposed to be something that you work toward. Your goals aren’t going to happen overnight; it may take 4 weeks, it may take 4 years. Goals are what drive you to be your best.

Not that bad, right? We want to see you succeed. Please don’t be hard on yourself; it takes a lot of strength and motivation to finish the goal. You have it; you have to find and use it. Good luck!

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