Got Any Ideas?

Got Any Ideas?

If you think of the perfect house, what do you think of? Do you think of a big, beautiful kitchen, or how do you feel about a decked-out man cave for you to watch football in? In either case, we have many ideas and images that pop into our heads. We want that addition, we want that kitchen, we want that man cave, but have you considered getting it done? Have you considered making your dream a reality? Well, start thinking about it because CLEANbee has the best contracting team around ready to serve you and make your dreams come true you know the Hall & Oates make your dreams come true. We want that kind of fantastic dream playing in your head.

This might seem like an extensive process for us to come in and cause some confusion in your daily schedule. You might have a few questions about it, which is why we have a very helpful Q&A below. Enjoy!

Q-How long will it take?
A-It depends on the project. For some projects, it could take a few days, a few weeks, or even a few months; it just all depends on how big you’re going.

Q-How much will it cost? Our budget is tight because of the holidays.
A-No problem! There are many different ways to pay for your dream; talk to our professionals.

Q-How involved will I be in the project? I have a busy work routine and can only take care of so many things.
A-You are involved very minimally. Most of your involvement will be based on what kind of project it is. For example, if we redo your kitchen, you need to be with us when we pick out your countertops, backsplash, cabinets, etc. We’re not building our dream kitchen and putting it in your house! We were hoping you could make the decisions and be a part of the process so that you would be a satisfied customer.

If you need something done or are interested in any of our services, make sure to contact us here.

Enjoy the holiday’s everyone, and thanks for joining us today!

See you soon!

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