Happy Thanksgiving 2020

Happy Thanksgiving 2020

Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays here at CLEANbee Property Services. Starting with the fact that everything comes in orange and all the great food we get to eat with family and friends. After the pilgrim’s celebration, the Continental Congress originated Thanksgiving in the year 1777. By the year 1812, that practice had fallen away. It was only in 1941 when Congress officially re-established the holiday as a national holiday here in the United States.

The purpose of Thanksgiving was to make sure that we remembered as a nation, to stop and give thanks for the blessings that we are given. That looks a little different for each of us, and if we’re honest, we could all use this practice more than once per year.

Here at CLEANbee, we recognize what an important holiday this is, not only to us as Americans, but to the families that America represents. Thanksgiving, along with Christmas, are really the two major holidays where families get together if we do not get together any other time in the year.

Keeping your home clean and tidy to host these important people in your life should be second to none, but where are you going to find the time? CLEANbee offers a variety of custom cleaning packages to meet your needs so that you can relax and count on the things that matter most in life.

From deep cleaning to carpet cleaning, general cleaning, and even important disease mitigation techniques such as fogging, CLEANbee has all of the tools you need in our arsenal.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, from all of us at CLEANbee.

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