How Do We Stop COVID-19?

How Do We Stop COVID-19?

If you recall, there was a pandemic last year known as COVID-19. Anyways, because safety is a CLEANbee priority, we came out with our famous COVID cleanings! We want to update our reports on that certain situation. Here’s the latest news on our COVID cleanings! Enjoy!

According to the CDC, COVID can still infect touchable surfaces. To stop COVID from infecting these surfaces, it’s important to clean more than once a week, including disinfectants. CLEANbee is ready to serve! We are providing a COVID deep clean that can stop any illnesses in their tracks. We care about being safe and healthy at CLEANbee, and so should you! You are our number one priority. Simple steps that you can take to stay safe are to wash your hands and make sure to cough or sneeze into your elbow.

Washing your hands alone for 15 seconds can kill about 90% of germs, and another 15 seconds can kill about 99.9% of germs. So, wash those hands!

Coughing or sneezing can spread for up to a 10-foot radius. Coughing or sneezing openly can cause others around you to be infected by germs. Make sure you keep others safe by using your elbow!

Make sure to schedule a COVID deep clean with us, and we guarantee you won’t regret it. We can kill almost 100% of germs in your home, which can protect you and your family.

We hoped you enjoyed reading, and we hope to see you soon!

CLEANbee Property Services, We Clean The World!

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