Kick Germs Where It Hurts!

Kick Germs Where It Hurts!

You might imagine the holidays as a time of excitement and family. We bet you have the picture-perfect scene in your head, and the fire is crackling, fresh, warm food is filling everyone’s plates, the family is laughing and chatting around the dinner table, it sounds pretty nice, right? But maybe something you haven’t thought about is what they brought with them. We don’t mean Christmas presents, but germs and sickness that they brought with them from where they were. When they traveled to your house for the holidays, they unknowingly brought new germs that were going to pollute your air. Sounds pretty bad, right? What can you do about it? How will you stop all these germs?

Well, we have the perfect solution. The solution is our Vollara Air Purifier. Our Vollara Air Purifier uses a 3 step vacuum system that disinfects every square inch of air in your house. It is perfect to have this when the season’s change and the new allergies kick in. We’ll let you in on another secret our air purifier kills 99.9% of ALL viruses, including COVID. It guarantees a safe, happy, and healthy holiday. It will keep you from having to worry about who brings what from here, so you can be in the moment without anything hanging over your head. It’s a win-win-win situation.

We will be renting them out for the coming holidays, starting at only $175 for 24 hours! You save $100, which you can use to spoil the kids or spoil yourself. For only $175, you can have the perfect protective circle for your family to be in with you. No sickness, no germs, no viruses, no allergies, it’s the ideal condition. All you have to worry about now is that casserole that may or may not be burning in the oven.

If you are interested in renting our Vollara air purifiers, then make sure to contact us here.

Thanks for joining us today, and we hope you have a great holiday.

See you soon!

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