Kills Viruses In 3 Minutes!

Kills Viruses In 3 Minutes!

We began a partnership with Vollara air purification technology to keep our customers safe. Our Vollara air purifiers come in a small and mighty package with the best technology out of any other air purifier in the USA! Unlike most of the other purifiers on the market, the Vollara kills COVID-19 and many other viruses in under three minutes!

Welcome to another CLEANbee blog, and today we want to talk about our new air purifiers from Vollara. As we said earlier, we’re going to explain what the air purifier does while it’s in your home or business. We’re going to also touch on the scene behind these fantastic air purifiers.

When you think of an air purifier, what does it do? Yes, there’s the obvious answer that it purifies the air, but it also constantly cleans the air, always giving you fresh and healthy air to breathe. These can also be effective when recovering from any sickness because what this does is clean the dirty air that you have infected and give you clean air to help you get back to normal. Pretty cool, right?

Let’s give you a quick, behind-the-scenes rundown. This is the best air purifier compared to other companies because it takes the dirty air from the home or business and replaces it with clean air using a three-step filter process. If that’s not enough, it can also Ionize the air and surfaces to super clean them!

That’s some spotless air! This can protect you from any virus, including COVID and all the COVID strains, and many other viruses, by giving you fresh air to breathe instead of a germ-filled environment.

We hope you consider purchasing one of these or at least renting one. If you’re interested in either, please get in touch with us by clicking here. We are happy to help, and we are also pleased to answer any questions you may have regarding the air purifiers. Maybe we answered a few questions today, but if you need something, contact us. Thanks for joining us today, and we hope to see you soon!

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