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Microwave Cleaning

Microwave Cleaning

Check out our amazing DYI guide for microwave cleaning.

Microwave Cleaning

Hey everyone, CLEANbee is here with a critical topic to talk about today. Now about quarantine, we all remember it from 2020. It was that time where we stayed home and stocked up on food and toilet paper. We can guarantee that from heating the morning coffee to heating up the 12:00 am Grubhub delivery, your microwave is probably pretty dirty. Whether you can see it or not, the grime and grease are there, so sit back, relax, and read carefully for an amazing guide to microwave cleaning.

1. Grab 3-5 paper towels and run them underwater, ensuring that they are damp and not soaked.

2. Put the damp paper towels in the microwave and heat them for 2-5 minutes. This is an important step. Do not exceed 5 minutes, only 2-5.

3. Let the paper towels completely cool before handling, as you don’t want to burn yourself! Make sure that they are warm. To test their heat, place the towel in your hand for 15 seconds. If your hand doesn’t feel like it’s burning off by the 15-second mark, it’s good to use.

4. Wipe the inside of the microwave from top to bottom, making sure to apply pressure to scrub and remove the food. Clean as much as you want, and if you go through all your paper towels and the inside still isn’t cleaned, repeat steps 1-3.

5. After you’re happy with the inside, it’s time to move out. Your next job is to wipe the front thoroughly, making sure to step back to see if you missed anything. There should be no grease, grime, or childrens’ fingerprints on the microwave.

Congratulations, if you followed these steps, you now have a spotless microwave!

Of course, if you don’t want to follow this guide, all you have to do is schedule a residential cleaning. A full kitchen clean, meaning all surfaces will be cleaned. The kitchen clean is only available through scheduling a residential clean, so select the right one on our scheduling form.

We sadly leave you, hopefully with questions answered, and we hope to see you soon!

CLEANbee Property Services, We Clean The World!

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