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Now Hiring!

Now Hiring!

We have great opportunities to receive thousands of dollars in bonuses throughout the first year and pay raises the next year based on how well you worked.

Now Hiring!

Hello everybody, CLEANbee here with another blog for you. This is an exceptional blog that we have created for you, and by the title, you’ve probably guessed what it was. Now Hiring. It’s very self-explanatory. Maybe we should have come up with a more clever title to make this more interesting. Anyways, this is going to be pretty much a list of what we are offering here at CLEANbee and what the job entails. Here we go!

Yes, every business is hiring big and small, but we are different from other companies. Other companies don’t actually give you the bonuses you deserve, and they give you not-so-fun jobs! But, here at CLEANbee, we have great opportunities. You will receive thousands of dollars in bonuses throughout the first year, and pay raises the next year based on how well you worked. We pay you based on the effort that you put into the company. That is why we are different. We show respect to all of our employees no matter their job or how much they are making.

Your mission . . . should you choose to accept it. . . is General Laborer. This sounds way worse than what it actually is. The job basically entails things like cleaning, floor scrubbing, straightforward things. We have a great team that you get to be a part of. We have great pay rates, and your job is super easy. It actually is fun at times. We know you’re probably saying, “WHAT A JOB THAT IS ACTUALLY FUN?” Well, if you’re that excited, do something about it! Go to our contact us page by clicking here and then fill out the form completely before submitting. You will get a call within a few days to set up an interview for you. It’s that easy!

This sounds way too good to be true, but it’s really true. This is a great opportunity that you don’t want to miss. We want you to be a part of our team. We hope you have a great day, and as always, make sure to check out our website and get that form filled out. See you soon!

Thanks for reading, and make sure to stay up to date with us. See you soon!

CLEANbee Property Services, We Clean The World!

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