Our Vollara Partnership

Our Vollara Partnership

To fulfill our punchline, “We Clean The World,” we have partnered with Vollara air purifiers. They are guaranteed to kill 99.9% of ALL viruses, including COVID, along with all the different strains of COVID, including DELTA and OMICRON, as well as others that are out there that we don’t even know about yet. Due to how well they work, the Vollara air purifiers are used by thousands of big companies across the US, including many professional sports teams. They are one of the best, and we would like to share the best with you. Here are a few things you probably didn’t know about the air purifiers.

The air purifiers are certified space technology. They have a system called ActivePure that gives you the world’s best decontamination and air purification technology that has been tested and proven. They also remove odors from the air, such as mold, and they can even remove harmful gasses from the air like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, which can be detrimental to your health. This technology is used on the space station daily!

The Vollara air purifier has been tested in many chemical tests and air purification tests and is compliant and primarily approved by the US, EPA, and FDA standards and directives. NASA was even involved in the testing phase!

These are just a few quick facts about our air purifiers. You can rent them out for holidays, events, and other gatherings where many people will be involved. It also helps people get over sickness faster by supplying clean air.

If you are interested in renting one or purchasing one of them out, then contact us here.

We hope you learned some things today, and thanks for joining us; we hope to see you soon!

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