Questions and Answers About Fogging

Questions and Answers About Fogging

There are a lot of questions around in regards to fogging that we are going to address for you here today.

What Is Fogging?

Fogging has been around for quite a while and has been used in various applications but mainly within the medical community. It can be confusing when the term fogging is used, as most of us would think of a “bomb” that would fog a room, such as the ones used to rid your home of business of pests, and so forth. In reality, fogging is actually a wet mist with very fine particles that cover any surfaces that it is sprayed onto to envelop the surface, create a germ-free environment, or at least eliminate the germs to less than harmful levels.

Will, It Hurt My Electronics?

If done right, fogging will not hurt electronics. Most foggers have settings to control the flow of the “fog.” If the setting is too wet, fogging could do some minimal damage to some electronic equipment. This is why you want to use a professional and insured company like CLEANbee Property Services LLC so that every precaution is taken to make sure that you are protected.

Is It Safe?

Fogging is safe. Providing proper chemical is being used. For instance, in a kitchen or restaurant, you may want to use more of a food-safe type chemical instead of one designed only to kill bacteria. While effective, we also want to make sure that it’s 100% safe for our clients. Unfortunately, not all companies pave the way for safety in their processes. Go with the name you know and trust, CLEANbee Property Services LLC.

Are There Different Types Of Fogging?

There are two different types of fogging. The first type of fogging is just simply a fogging sprayer. This is a sprayer that has an adjustable wand to pressurize the vapor into a fog-like substance. This substance then covers any area it is sprayed upon. The other type of fogging machine we are partial to and mainly use here at CLEANbee is an electrostatic fogger. An electrostatic fogger charges the molecules as they come out of the machine and wraps the surface fogged 100%. 100% coverage is a big thing, especially in areas such as churches or daycare facilities, where there may be surfaces touched that would not normally be touched.

Is Fogging Effectively For COVID-19?

Fogging is both safe and effective for COVID-19. Providing the right chemical is used and mixed properly; it will not leave behind a residue and greatly reduce the chances of anyone contracting or spreading the virus through surface areas.

Why Fogging Over Traditional Cleaning?

Traditional cleaning only covers between fifty to sixty percent of most surfaces, where electrostatic foggers cover 100% of all surfaces in the area.

Is Fogging Affordable?

While some companies try to take advantage during unprecedented times like this, at CLEANbee, fogging starts at just $.03 per square foot (some minimums and details apply; call us for details); also, keep in mind that fogging is way less expensive than losing multiple employees for fourteen days should an outbreak occur.

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