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Social Distancing Giveaway

Social Distancing Giveaway

We are offering a social distancing giveaway!

Social Distancing Giveaway

These days, in light of the events with COVID-19, we are hearing new terms such as self-quarantine, social distancing, and flattening the curve. There are so many questions like what does this mean, is this something that I need to do? If I don’t take these recommendations to heart, am I putting others at risk? Great questions if we do say so ourselves.

We here at CLEANbee have put together several things to help with the Coronavirus in general. We have a community resource blog for our local community. Also, we have COVD-19 special cleaning packages blog, as well as cleaning with the Coronavirus. You can check these out here.

To answer the above questions. Social distancing, as well as self-quarantine or flattening the curve, are a kind of trifecta if you will. Social distancing is the practice of staying at least six feet away from someone if you must go out into the public, or if you have a life essential job. Self-quarantine is the practice of staying in one’s home for an extended period, thus reducing the risk of exposure to the virus. Flattening the curve means that in doing the above practices, we are reducing the number of people admitted to the hospitals at any given time. That way, there is enough equipment to help those that have ended up on the wrong end of the virus.

To help make all of this a little more bearable, we here at CLEANbee Property Services want to lighten things up a bit and have some fun. We are offering a social distancing giveaway, which means that we will select multiple winners for a free home or commercial cleaning, or an auto disinfect once per month!

The process is super simple, ready? Here goes!

  1. Go to this link:
  2. Fill out all required information
  3. Select the (GIVEAWAY) box under the services you are interested
  4. Winners will be notified by phone

It really is as easy as that. We can’t wait for you to join the CLEANbee family!

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