Stain Remover

Stain Remover

We’re glad you decided to check this blog out; you won’t regret it. This is an important topic, and we’re sure by the name that you probably guessed what the topic is. Stain remover! Let us tell you first, and this is only a stain remover for clothes. But, don’t be disappointed, and this is still helpful.

Let us picture it for you. . . . . An exciting day at work has come. A monumental moment as you are going to unveil your new plans to your boss, who let’s say has been very impressed with your work recently. You throw on the new pants you just bought and button the last button on your brand new dress shirt. Wow, are you looking good! The brightest white on a shirt that you can see! You take a drink of your warm coffee for extra boost and focus and. . . splash! You spill your coffee all over the front of your shirt. Ugh, the horror of it! But, with the helpful advice from CLEANbee, you can relive the glory of your day with a bright white shirt once again. Here’s how to fix it!

1. Grab some vinegar, and get to work! All you have to do is pour a little bit of vinegar on the stain and then sprinkle a tablespoon on the stain, making sure to cover the space.

2. After letting it sit for at least 15 minutes, wash and rinse, and it should be gone!

One small step for man, two steps for a white shirt. Remember, this only works with some stains! Don’t get mad if your stain isn’t gone. This remedy only works for some stains. Sorry, but CLEANbee doesn’t handle laundry, so you’re out of luck, but what we do handle is home cleanings! Good to know, right? Make sure to schedule one now or else. . . We don’t have an or else situation, so make sure to schedule your cleaning with us! See you soon!

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