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Summer Cleaning

Summer Cleaning

We've all been waiting for this day as patiently as possible, and there's no perfect time to clean your home thoroughly.

Summer Cleaning

Welcome back to Busy Bee Blogs! We’re CLEANbee, and we wanted to update you that we are just a few weeks from the official first day of summer! We’ve all been waiting for this day as patiently as possible, and there’s no perfect time to clean your home thoroughly. With longer days and more sunshine, the conditions are ideal for tackling cleaning tasks that are often overlooked. Whether you’re preparing for summer parties and barbecues or want a fresh start, here are some summer cleaning tips to keep your home spotless and welcoming all season long.

1. Declutter and Organize

Tip: Start by decluttering each room in your home.

2. Deep Clean Carpets and Rugs

Tip: Carpets and rugs can harbor dust, allergens, and dirt.

3. Wash Windows and Screens

Tip: Clean windows let in more natural light and offer clearer views.

4. Freshen Up Your Kitchen

Tip: Summer is a great time to clean your kitchen.

5. Revitalize Your Outdoor Spaces

Tip: Don’t neglect your outdoor areas during your summer cleaning.

Tip: Refresh your bedrooms for a comfortable and inviting space.

7. Tackle Dust and Allergens

Tip: Summer can increase allergens, so keep dust at bay.

This may seem like many projects to tackle, and it is! That’s why we recommend you turn to our cleaning company, CLEANbee, for the cleaning that your home deserves. We offer many services, just like what we included on this summer cleaning list. This goes for interior and exterior cleaning! For a complete list of our services, contact us below or call our main office at (724) 602-2218. We’d love to talk to you and serve you!

Begin the countdown to summer, and schedule CLEANbee for any of your cleaning needs. See you soon!

If you want a quote for any of our services, fill out our Contact Us form by clicking here.

We do what we say we’re going to do. We are CLEANbee Property Services. See you soon!

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