Do You Need Roofing?

Do You Need Roofing?

Do You Need Roofing? When you walk up to your house, what do you see? You may notice your landscaping is bright and colorful or needs some work. You could also notice that your home is dirty or looks brand new. You may look at your landscaping, grass, windows, and other things but never at … Read more

Kick Germs Where It Hurts!

Kick Germs Where It Hurts!

Kick Germs Where It Hurts! You might imagine the holidays as a time of excitement and family. We bet you have the picture-perfect scene in your head, and the fire is crackling, fresh, warm food is filling everyone’s plates, the family is laughing and chatting around the dinner table, it sounds pretty nice, right? But … Read more

Carpet Cleaning

Carpet Cleaning

Carpet Cleaning Hey everyone! It’s good to see you again! Thanks for joining us today as we discuss one of our most popular services, Carpet Cleaning. Here’s a rundown of what it is and how we go about it. Sit back, relax, and enjoy! No matter what season it is, they all seem to bring … Read more

Spring Cleanings

Spring Cleanings

Spring Cleanings Hello everyone, what a wonderful surprise for you to drop in. We weren’t expecting you. (We totally expected you because who doesn’t want to join us in another exciting blog?) The title of the blog today is “Spring Cleaning.” No, unfortunately, it is not spring again, but fall is here. I bet you’re … Read more



Landscaping What’s the difference between dirt and MiracleGro? Not mulch. That’s a joke, by the way. Anyways, spring is just out of our grasp, and that means that you’ll be getting outside to do some landscape work and sprucing up the house a bit. We want to let you know, CLEANbee is now doing mulch! … Read more

Lawn Care


Lawn Care As we “spring” into the new season, new life begins and starts to grow. That means the grass is going to start growing too. As the tension begins to build (because we all need one more thing to do), we are happy to tell you that CLEANbee is now doing lawn care! We … Read more

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