Protect Your Family From Sickness

Protect Your Family From Sickness

Protect Your Family From Sickness You’ve probably all heard of COVID. You’ve probably all heard of the Delta and the Omnicron; maybe you have had one of these illnesses as well, but what if you can stop every single strain of COVID? Welcome to another exciting CLEANbee blog today, where we will be talking about … Read more

Vollara Air Purifier Q&A

Vollara Air Purifier Q&A

Vollara Air Purifier Q&A Now that Christmas is approaching and we are starting to count the days, we will also go out more. We’re out to find the perfect Christmas tree, get decorations, buy gifts, etc., etc., but that also means that everyone will be out doing the same thing you are. What are we … Read more

How Do We Stop COVID-19?

How Do We Stop COVID-19?

How Do We Stop COVID-19? If you recall, there was a pandemic last year known as COVID-19. Anyways, because safety is a CLEANbee priority, we came out with our famous COVID cleanings! We want to update our reports on that certain situation. Here’s the latest news on our COVID cleanings! Enjoy! According to the CDC, … Read more

BEE Clean

BEE Clean

BEE Clean There was once a saying that stated, “Happiness is a CLEAN and organized home.” If you look around your house, there is always a dusty shelf, a dirt-covered floor, or a stain on the couch, which doesn’t always contribute to our health or happiness. CLEANbee will give you a few easy tips on … Read more

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