Leaving The Landscaping

Leaving The Landscaping

Leaving The Landscaping Hey everyone, welcome back to another exciting blog; we’re glad you can join us. As you read our title, “Leaving the Landscaping” (Try saying that 5 times fast), we don’t mean that this is the end of the landscaping. It will always be there. What we really mean is that *cough* winter … Read more

Services We Offer

Service We Offer

Services We Offer As you probably know, we have many services within the CLEANbee enterprise. By the way, welcome to another blog, CLEANbee, here. We are here to talk about our services. When you look at our list of services, you may be able to figure out what each one does. Cleanings are, well, cleanings, … Read more

April Showers Bring May Flowers

April Showers Bring May Flowers

April Showers Bring May Flowers Ah, the good ol’ saying “April Showers Bring May Flowers.” We hate to burst your bubble, but with April Showers come May grass and weeds and all the other fun things in your backyard. Thanks, April showers! (sarcasm added) This is when you prepare all your chemicals, mower, and things … Read more



Landscaping What’s the difference between dirt and MiracleGro? Not mulch. That’s a joke, by the way. Anyways, spring is just out of our grasp, and that means that you’ll be getting outside to do some landscape work and sprucing up the house a bit. We want to let you know, CLEANbee is now doing mulch! … Read more

Lawn Care


Lawn Care As we “spring” into the new season, new life begins and starts to grow. That means the grass is going to start growing too. As the tension begins to build (because we all need one more thing to do), we are happy to tell you that CLEANbee is now doing lawn care! We … Read more

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