Post Construction Clean Up

Post Construction Clean Up

Post Construction Clean Up Imagine this! So you’ve had some remodeling done to your home, or maybe you’ve had some renovations done, and you’re stuck with a mess. You wonder what you should do, and you think I need a post-construction clean, but that might cost me a lot, or maybe you’re thinking, what if … Read more

Our Services!

Our Services!

Our Services! We’ve been making a lot of changes! Some of you may be new to our CLEANbee family, and some of you may have been here ever since this company started, but we’ve been going through many changes. Since we’ve undergone some changes, you might be confused about all that we do, we’re giving … Read more

Carpet Replacement Q&A

Carpet Replacement Q&A

Carpet Replacement Q&A Hey everyone! We hope you’re having a great day, and we are back at you with another wonderful blog! The topic of today is carpet replacement questions and answers. If you love the feeling of fresh carpet, this blog is just for you! This is a complete list of our carpeting process … Read more

Welcome To 2022!

Welcome To 2022!

Welcome To 2022! We have so many amazing things planned for this year, it’s hard to know where to start, but we’re beginning with contracting. So you aren’t confused when we bring it up, here’s the definition. Contracting is where we build things, tear things down, and repair anything that needs to be repaired. Below, … Read more

Kick Germs Where It Hurts!

Kick Germs Where It Hurts!

Kick Germs Where It Hurts! You might imagine the holidays as a time of excitement and family. We bet you have the picture-perfect scene in your head, and the fire is crackling, fresh, warm food is filling everyone’s plates, the family is laughing and chatting around the dinner table, it sounds pretty nice, right? But … Read more

Project Payment Options

Project Payment Options

Project Payment Options Oh hey! I didn’t see you there! Glad we did, or else you would’ve missed this super important message we’ve wanted to tell you about. We want you to think about something for a moment. Is there something that you’ve wanted to add to your house? Are there maybe some super drab … Read more

Discount Time!

Discount Time!

Discount Time! Hey everyone! Glad to see you again!! We’re back at you with another exciting blog. We think you’ll find this one interesting. If we were to ask anyone if they like discounts, they would probably say yes with a capital Y. They like saving money, and they like the thought of great deals! … Read more

All About Us

All About Us

All About Us Welcome back, everyone, and today we have yet another exciting blog to share with you. Right off the bat, we want to say that this is more geared for new readers and new customers, but anyone that has been with us a while, you can still read too! That’s the thing about … Read more

The 12 Days of Christmas

The 12 Days of Christmas Ever wonder about the 12 days of Christmas? I mean, who came up with the song in the first place? Why are there 12 days? What is the significance of the gifts? Upon our research, there are multiple thought processes on these gifts, and what they may entail, and even … Read more

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