The Best Of CLEANbee

The Best Of CLEANbee

There are many cleaning companies out there, such as Affordable Maids, Choosie Susie’s, and many others, but what’s so special about us? There’s a long list (in our humble opinion), but we’ll break it down to five things. We hope you enjoy our blog. Read on!

1. Our Family: We like to clean for you, but we LOVE to meet with you. We always enjoy creating new relationships and welcoming you to the CLEANbee family. We like to work for you, and if there’s a problem, we will do our best to correct it for you. We want you to be satisfied with what CLEANbee offers!

2. Free Quotes: You heard that right; CLEANbee has free quotes! Even though we’re taking away your time, we’re not going to take away your money. We want to give you the best experience right from the start, so the answer, of course, is free quotes.

3. Cleaning: Now cleaning is the second-biggest part of us. You may say, well, duh, but wait until you read this. Yes, cleaning is a big part of our company, but we mean our cleaning quality. We’re not like other companies who put the cleaner on the floor and scrub it. We go above and beyond what is expected. We take care of the spots, repair them, and make them shine. You have to admit that’s not a duh moment.

4. Management: Our managers want to help you the best they can. They help us resolve issues and create new relationships! They are in charge of operations, and most importantly, taking care of our customers to ensure that their needs are met. They are friendly and hard-working, as a good manager should always be.

5. Hiring: Hiring is the easiest step for our company. We make the process a simple walk in the park. Not the hours of boring paperwork and documents that you have to fill out. We look for a kind, hard-working person to hire, because we don’t need aggravations for you as our customers.

It can’t get any better, can it? CLEANbee is a one-of-a-kind cleaning company, always on call, always caring, and always ready for the next job. Call us today to get all of this, plus more! We promise you won’t regret it, and if you do, then we will fix it, but we won’t do anything to aggravate you in the first place 🙂 Thanks for reading, and we hope to see you soon!

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