The Ugly Truth

The Ugly Truth

You probably read the title for this blog, the ugly truth. Most of you will say, oh no, not the ugly truth, and this is not for me, I will not read this. Well, don’t go away. We just needed a title for this blog and chose this one. Anyways, we’re back again to talk to you about your drains. Drains can be pretty nasty places since the dirty and polluted water goes there.

Did you know the average American household contains 115 pounds of solid items in their pipes alone! Those are things like hair, food, and other things that tend to wash down the drain. Drains are important to keep clean, and if clogged, hard to get back to normal again. So, here is another wonderful CLEANbee guide to easily cleaning drains. Here we go!

1. Grab baking powder and vinegar, which are 2 easy around-the-house items to use. We’ll start by pouring half a cup of baking soda into, well, a cup! Dump the full half cup down the drain.

2. Take half to a full cup of vinegar (whichever you prefer) and dump it down the drain as well. This should create a foaming effect, getting rid of dirt, grease, and all of the other items within the drains.

3. Let this mixture sit for 10-15 minutes (again, whichever you prefer). After letting it sit, take some hot water, preferably boiled, and dump it down the drain. This will remove loose items, and it will wash out the sour smell.

This is the easiest DIY drain cleaner ever! This brings back the memories of volcano science projects. Mmm, mmm, mmm. Memories are an important part of life, so why don’t you go out and make some memories with friends or family, and let us handle all of your services for you! CLEANbee offers a wide range of services tailored to your price point, so you don’t have to sweat about it! We are always ready to help! Schedule now before you forget!

Thanks for reading this blog, and make sure to keep up to date with our page. See you soon!

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