Vollara Air Purifier Q&A

Vollara Air Purifier Q&A

Now that Christmas is approaching and we are starting to count the days, we will also go out more. We’re out to find the perfect Christmas tree, get decorations, buy gifts, etc., etc., but that also means that everyone will be out doing the same thing you are. What are we driving at, you may ask? Well, now that everyone is out in the mad holiday rush, so are the germs. People carry germs and illnesses even though you can’t see them. To keep yourself safe from COVID and all of its alien variants, as well as the other bugs that are out there, we have a solution for your home or business that is perfect for you. It is our Vollara Air Purifier. We have teamed up with the best air purifier on the market to bring you the best, cleanest air so you can say, “Back off germs, you’re no match for me!” A few questions have been asked about our air purifier system, so we’ve made a Q&A answer to any questions you may have.

Q: Does it kill COVID?
A: Yes! It kills COVID. It kills 99.9% of all the different viruses and illnesses and kills the germs that start these illnesses.

Q: Is it safe for pets and kids?
A: Yes, this product is safe for pets and kids. It also gives them clean air to breathe to live their healthy lives.

Q: How does it work?
A: We’re glad you asked. Our air purifier has a vacuum system that pulls infected air from your home and puts it through a three-step filtration device. This allows it to get only the highest quality clean. This “air scrubber” also cleans surfaces from potential germs as well!

Q: I have COVID currently. Can this help stop it?
A: As a matter of fact, it can! Even if you have COVID, this helps stop it and prevent it from getting worse as it recirculates clean-scrubbed air instead of a machine that filters the air. It also keeps others in your home safe from COVID as well.

If you are interested in our Vollara Air Purifier, fill out our contact us form here for further questions. We hope we have answered some questions, and as always, have a great day!

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