We’re Hiring

We’re Hiring

We can all agree that many hands make light work. Well, this is so true. That is why we are hiring new employees for a better efficient business for our customers. This is a great chance that you don’t want to miss! But, hurry, this opportunity can only last so long! Here’s how to contact us about possible employment.

1. Click the URL link here: (https://www.cleanbeepropertyservices.com/career-opportunities/). This page should be titled Career Opportunities. No stress, this is a super easy form.

2. Upload all of your information that is required, especially your resume. Any past cleaning experience you may have had, etc. We want to hear all about you, so we can best determine if we can use it or not.

3. After filling all of this out, you will need to submit it, and you should get a one-on-one meeting with none other than the proud owner of CLEANbee, Jonathan Smith! He will discuss with you expectations, services, etc. Everything you need to know. Also, feel free to ask questions; we are glad to answer them.

This is not that hard, so if you are interested, please fill out our job application. This includes great pay, respect from our other employees, use of company cars, a bonus, and much more that will be worked out depending on job opportunities. We would love to add you to our elite cleaning team. We can’t wait to meet you. See you soon!

CLEANbee Property Services, We Clean The World!

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