What Is COVID and Fogging?

COVID and Fogging

So in case you haven’t noticed, there’s a pandemic called Coronavirus, or COVID-19 for short. Heard of it? I’m sure you have, and you also probably know that it can affect your health either in a minor or major way. Either way, being sick isn’t fun, so CLEANbee, in the past year, has introduced COVID Fogging. You may have scheduled one, but we are here to actually explain the fogging process that kills COVID and keeps everyone safe.

I hope by now you realize that clean air is important. We’ll assume you do. The atmosphere is filled with electrons with a negative charge. Don’t worry; this isn’t going to be that science-ey.

We hope you like air because it is everywhere and it keeps us alive. It carries viruses such as COVID and the FLU. The mist that comes from our fogging machine use positive and negative charges to make disinfecting solutions electromagnetically stick to targeted surfaces. No matter which angle you disinfect a surface from, the charge created by the electrostatic sprayer makes the disinfectant wrap around and cling to the entire surface, thus killing off the infected air and surfaces, making a safe environment for your office, home, school, factory, and almost anything else that you can imagine. If you can see it, CLEANbee can fog it!

CLEANbee prides itself on making an effort to keep people of all ages safe and secure because we care about our clients, just as we do our own families.

I hope this description cleared up any questions. If you have any other questions, make sure to check out our other blogs here.

Thanks for reading!

Your CLEANbee Family

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