Window Cleaning Guide

Window Cleaning Guide

Good day once again, and we have another exciting blog for you! Today our topic is window cleaning! Now we all love to see what’s outside, and that’s why windows were made, but the only thing is that they get very dirty real fast. From dust floating around outside to kid’s smudgy handprints, windows get filthy. CLEANbee is here to help! Today we will give you a guide on how to easily clean windows. Here we go!

1. Grab a bucket and fill it with warm water until about half full. You can fill it fully if you prefer, but we like to use a half-full bucket, so you don’t spill water where you are cleaning at.

2. Every home has dish soap, so take your dish soap, and put 3-7 squirts in the bucket of water. Make sure to mix it around to get the right dilution.

3. In case of spills, you might want to have a towel handy. Any towel will work, even paper towels.

4. The next step is to take a microfiber cloth or sponge and dip it in your soapy water. Then, take the cloth or sponge, and wipe the window top to bottom, making sure to apply only a little bit of pressure. We don’t want scratches on your windows.

5. Our last step is to take a microfiber dry cloth and wipe the window from top to bottom until clear and clean.

With this simple 10 minute job, you can have the windows of a palace! This is a very easy solution to dirty windows.

CLEANbee can also come and clean your windows for you when you schedule a house cleaning! We hope you can use this guide, or if you’d like us to clean your windows, you can schedule a cleaning with us!

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