Spring Time Cleaning Tips

Spring Time Cleaning Tips

Spring is inching closer and closer, and that means it’s time for some change. CLEANbee prides itself in maintenance, especially for the springtime, because nothing is more important to us than a clean house for the spring and summer months. We’re going to give you a few tips to get your house ready for the season. Let’s spring into it!

1. Floors: Floors are the worst after winter because of all the salt and dirt, among other things. Floor cleaning is easy. All you need is a good mop, with some warm water and vinegar to clean the floors and give them a nice shine. Try it out!

2. Furniture: The next thing on our list is furniture. Most people don’t like to be out in the cold of winter, especially Pennsylvania winters. So, that means sitting on the couch with drinks and food, which can cause stains on the surface. To remove these stains, mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar with ⅔ cup of rubbing alcohol for a fresh feel, and best of all, no stain!

3. Kitchen: After being inside all winter (unless you wanted to freeze your butt off outside), dishes are going to pile up in the sink. If you want to worry about the dishes another day, we recommend pouring water and vinegar into the sink for a good clean soap. This will take the stains right off those plates overnight! Although, if you want to get rid of those dishes NOW, what you can do is make a dishrag and create a concoction of vinegar and baking soda for a tough, grease-eating clean!

We put the CLEAN in CLEANbee by keeping up with around-the-house jobs to prepare for spring. We hope these tips help and make sure to try them out! Unless, of course, you want us to take care of it for you.

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