Strip & Wax

Strip & Wax

Good day, avid readers. CLEANbee is back with another exciting blog to share with you today. Before we get started, we would like to share with you that anyone who is not scheduled for a commercial cleaning will not find this useful. This is mostly for people thinking about scheduling a commercial strip and wax job or who have already scheduled one, but anyone is welcome to read!

The topic today is the strip and wax of commercial floors. Here is where you’ll find a quick rundown of what goes on during this process, things you need to know, etc. So please sit back, relax, and sip your coffee because we know that’s probably what you’re doing right about now.

Strip and Wax are one of our oldest divisions at CLEANbee, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not one of our most important. This is one of our first divisions ever created when we were starting.

We first opened this division a few years ago because we noticed, especially when we went shopping, or we needed to grab some medicine at a pharmacy, that their floors were very unattractive. Their floors looked horrible as they have lost their color, and shine, and things like that.

After years of using a process founded, we successfully give our commercial customers what they desire, which is floors looking brand new again. They had their original color, shine, and floors so clearly that they created a mirror reflection. In case you needed to adjust your hair or something real quick, we got you.

You can expect hard work and dedication from our employees as they try to make the world a better, cleaner place starting with a store near you. All you have to do is schedule us, and we’ll be ready. Hence our motto “We Clean The World.” We are on a mission to create a high-quality cleaning experience for everyone. We have cleaned, but we do many other things, so we should say a high-quality experience for everyone.

Please help us in our mission, to make the world a better, safer, greener place. Thanks for reading, and we hope you learned a few things. For now, we leave you, but don’t be sad for. . . we’ll be back *deep Terminator voice* See you soon!

CLEANbee Property Services, We Clean The World!

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