Bathroom Cleanings

Bathroom Cleanings

Well, hey there again! We are so glad to see you because we have another special blog for you today. We’re about to get real dirty, if you know what we mean. Haha, just kidding, get your head out of the gutter. ” This is a G-rated audience. Anyways, we’re here to offer you a quick rundown of what our bathroom cleanings entail to show you how detail-oriented we are. If you have questions, we’ll probably answer them, but let’s get busy.

Toilets-I can’t believe we have to mention this, but yes, toilets get dirty over time. That’s why we clean them because it would be silly for us to do bathroom cleanings and not include toilets.

Bathtubs-Yes bathtubs get dirty. Between soap scum and dirt, it collects over time and makes your bathtub look very dirty. If your bathtub is filthy, are you really cleaning yourself? Yes, you just washed off the dirt, but there’s more to come.

Sinks-Sinks is very important to clean. Over time they also collect dirt and grease and all those fun things. Cleaning your sink is very important because if there is a plumbing issue from grease and dirt buildup in your pipes, it can get expensive. Would you please not say we didn’t warn you?

Corners-That’s not a common thing when you think of bathroom cleanings, but have you really looked in your bathroom corners. You probably can’t even see them because of the dirt and cobwebs that piled up. So, those we need to clean as well.

Floors-Yes floors get dirty. Who knew? We clean those too. We have our all-natural floor cleaning solution to ensure that your floors are in the very best of hands.

Yes, that’s the end. Sorry about that, but we got to keep it short for your sake. So, we hope you learned a few things. Pretty basic, but it makes your bathrooms look brand new. Glad you could drop-in, and never be afraid to do so.

Schedule a residential cleaning to get this bathroom cleaning included. I hope you can do that soon, and we would love to meet you. See you soon!

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