Screen Cleaning 101

Screen Cleaning 101

Hey everyone, CLEANbee here with a brand new, exciting topic that we’ve been cooking up for a while now. We’ve recently noticed that we’ve done a lot of blogs. Lots and lots and lots, but we have never done one focused on screen cleaning. We’re talking about an easy way to clean screens on our TVs, phones, computers, etc. So, if you haven’t already guessed, today’s discussion is on how to clean your screen to give it a brand new finish.

If you haven’t noticed, dust tends to collect on our TVs over time. Fingerprint smudges begin to develop on our phones and so on. You’ve come to the right place if you want to end this mess. Here are some simple ways to clean your screen now. No experience is needed, by the way!

1. Grab a microfiber cloth. If you don’t have one already, they’re everywhere. Just grab a pack at your hardware store if needed.

2. Run the cloth under warm water until the entire surface of the cloth is wet.

3. This is a crucial step!!! Make sure to ring the cloth out SUPER well. It’s essential, and we had to put it in capital letters.

4. After ringing out the cloth, grab your device and wipe it from top to bottom. This may take a few wipes to get everything off. Don’t get angry at it, and please don’t throw it; we feel we shouldn’t have to say this, but people don’t think all the time, lol.

So simple, right? We meant what we said when we said no experience was needed. We hope this helped you out, and it only takes a few minutes. Try it out!

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We do what we say we’re going to do. We are CLEANbee Property Services. See you soon!

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